Our Team


In the beginning there was Tom,

who had an idea and hired Sue

the founder, the original… the who’s who.

From the the trunk of her car

she recruited Ben , who volunteered

and joined Sue on the part-time crew.

From an abandoned mechanics

garage our influence grew

until one building became two.

Slowly, Monticello became

an arts city… who knew?

Erica was involved from the beginning

as a volunteer and later a part timer

later became Director after Sue…

Erica is amazing… lucky for us and you!

At first, Sadie was a college intern,

whose leaving would have left us blue..

BUT, we are more than these few...

We are a growing community coming alive

We get together, we create, we thrive.


Meet the Team

  • Director || Erica became volunteered for a time, became part time staff and in 2025 stepped up to steer the ship. She is a life-long artist and enjoys making connections in the community, facilitating classes, and keeping MontiArts steadily in its mission to create more vibrant community using the arts as a connection point.

  • Assistant Director || Ben is a creative who enjoys providing various platforms for artists and community members alike to showcase their talents and abilities. Ben also works within the Monticello School District. Ben can be found hosting open mics, leading the high school art club and interns, holding a camera for videography, doing web content and social medias…

  • Sadie joined us as an intern while studying at MCAD. She quickly became a key cog in the art wheel. She is a very talented artist who teaches classes and works on the many random art projects which we are tasked with. Sadie brings joy and levity to our team and sometimes. baked goods from her other job as a baker.

  • Special Project Artist

    Sue, the founder and initial Director, is an accomplished metal sculptor who provides visionary direction and structure to MontiArts. She is now the lead artist on special projects like GLOW Fest etc. She is still an indispensable voice of wisdom and experience.


The MontiArts Story

MontiArts: Revitalizing a City with Creativity & Local Creatives

In 2018, the City of Monticello started an arts program (MontiArts) with the hopes of revitalizing its downtown through murals, events, sculptures, etc. Through the hard work of building community connections and grant writing, MontiArts has become a unique, artistic force in the region.

MontiArts Community & Supporters 

-Special Project Montiarts Artist/Volunteers & Creative Core:

Erica Witzmann / Darla Robeck / Hallie Leffingwell / Ali Yager / Jamie Randall

Sadie Nielsen / Roxanne Skie Hillard / Ken Becker / Kelly Lundquist / Stan Thorud

-High School Art Club Interns and Volunteers

-City of Monticello

-Monticello Community Center

-Monticello Parks Arts and Recreation Department

-Monticello EDA (Our Locations)

-Monticello Lions

-Monticello Chamber Of Commerce

-Lunieski & Associates LLC / Supermercado Loma Bonita

-Nordic Brewing

-Lucille Murray's Studio of Dance

-Pedego Electric Bikes Monticello

-Classique Jewelry

-Live, Laugh & Bloom Floral

-Clancy's Outdoors

-Fleet Farm

-Xcel Energy Day Of Service Volunteers

-Many of our projects are due to grants from the Central Minnesota Arts Board